Pastor Joseph

Jan 4, 20211 min

CoGro Discussion Qs - The Lord's Supper

  1. We said that the Lord's Supper is a memorial, and that God gives us memorials because we are forgetful. Have you ever "forgotten the things of God"? Are there things of God that you are forgetting right now?

  2. In the sermon, we said that we default to two ways of approaching God. One is to feel that we need to "do better" and to "clean ourselves up" before approaching God. The other was that we take God's grace for granted. Which of these are you more prone to?

  3. The Lord's Supper is a picture of God's salvation for us, a picture of the gospel. How so? How does our approach to the Lord's table and our reception of the "elements" (i.e. the bread and wine) mirror the way we are meant to approach God in the gospel?

  4. "I am more sinful and flawed than I ever dared believe, and I am more accepted and loved than I ever dared hope." How is the Lord's Supper a picture of this reality? What does this do to our sense of ourselves? To our sense of our identity?

  5. Bonhoeffer wrote that "the word of grace in our brother's mouth is stronger than the word in our own hearts." Do you think this is true? Have you ever experienced this as a reality? If true, what does that mean for Christian community and for our place in it?
