Pastor Joseph

Feb 22 min

Prayer Is Glorifying God

If you’ve been listening this week, you’ll remember that we’ve spent a lot of time talking about the image of God and about how we’re supposed to prioritize God. In fact the purpose of mankind is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. That’s our primary aim in life.

Prayer plays a role in that because it acknowledges God’s lordship in so many ways.

To pray is to recognize that God is the Creator and giver of life. We owe our very existence to him. When we praise him, he is glorified.

To pray is also to recognize that his standard is the only true standard in this life. In other words, God is also the law-giver. To pray prayers of confession is to acknowledge as much, and to acknowledge that we don’t live up to his standards. When we confess, he is glorified.

To pray is also to point to God as the only redeemer of men. Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man. And so to pray for forgiveness in his name is to acknowledge that God has saved us in him. When we ask for forgiveness, he is glorified.

Prayer glorifies God because it acknowledges him for who he is. And that’s good news because it also fulfills our purpose in life—to glorify him and enjoy him forever.

Pray with me. Father, thank you that you have created us in your image. We pray that your glory would shine upon us like the light of the sun, and that we would reflect that glory out into the world. Make us like lamps set on a table, giving light to the whole room. And teach us to love and enjoy your glory wherever we see it. We pray that in Jesus’ name. Amen.
