Has believing the gospel ever feel like a risk to you? If so, why?
Have you ever had to defend the faith to someone? What was that like? How did it go?
Sometimes, knowing that we're right can make us feel superior. But this can also damage our witness. How do we present the truth humbly? (What Scriptures can you point to that will help you here?)
Many people think that religious truth is always and only personal and private. But the gospel is a "public truth." What does that mean? (Remember how we once talked about the fact that Christianity is based on an historical event--the resurrection of Jesus; either it happened or it didn't.)
Gentleness and meekness are qualities that the Bible praises. But we associate those qualities with weakness, which Americans on the whole dislike strongly. What needs to change in our values? How can we learn to be gentle and meek? (By the way, what really does it mean to be meek?)
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