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Lenten Devotional - Day Two

Read: Matthew 3:1-12

Think: Verse 9 says, “And do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father,’ for I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham.’” Do we sometimes share the same attitude as the Pharisees and the Sadducees? How do we take our salvation for granted? In a post-resurrection mindset, we can be guilty of presuming, “We have grace.” However, just as God could raise up a church in spite of the Pharisees, He can also raise a church in spite of us! How is God calling you to prepare the way in peoples’ hearts for Jesus like John the Baptist did?

Pray: Show me today, God, how I can prepare the way for you with my family, my friends, coworkers, on my team or in my club. I admit I have taken you and what you have done for my redemption for granted. AND I’ve hoarded this life-giving, life-changing news to myself. I want to be like the wheat in this passage, not the chaff. I want to know you and live for you. I want you to use me for your glory.


Be intentional with your conversations, today. Bring up your relationship with Christ with believers, unbelievers, and non-believers. Prepare the way.

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