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Idol Hope (Psalm 20)

Reading: Psalm 20

Some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand upright.

(Psalm 20:7-8)


It’s tempting to put our hopes in things we can see with our own eyes. Recently, for us it’s been politics. Our election cycles are like gladiatorial sport with political enemies and political saviors. People passionately believe that if only they can get their candidate elected that things will be ok…at least until the next election.

But in fact, it’s nothing new. We’ve put our hope in money and power and fame for a long time. We are idolatrous creatures, preferring gods we can control to the untamable, wild God of the Bible.

But the idols of our time continue to prove untrustworthy. Their power is limited and difficult to keep, and they often don’t deliver what they promise. They let you down in the end.

The Lord is different. While those who follow the Lord often ask “How long…?” God will deliver on his promises. So it was the night that Jesus died and the Saturday when he was in the shadow of the grave. It looked as though God had let them down, like he didn’t come through. And those who had trusted in the idols of money and power and politics—they had prevailed.

But on the third day, Jesus rose from the dead. What looked to be defeat, in the end proved to be victory. What felt like abandonment was in fact a greater faithfulness. What looked untrustworthy surpassed the disciples’ wildest expectations.

If often looks like those who put their hope in power and violence, or money and fame—it looks like they are winning the day. But those idols will eventually fail them, and God will show himself the only one worthy of our full trust. The banner of victory bears his name.


Father, reveal to us the idols of our hearts, that we might cast them aside and turn again to you. Remind us of your faithfulness to us in Jesus, and lead us in the way everlasting.


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