When we started this podcast, it was all about figuring out how to pray. But what I hope you’ve seen along the way is that, while prayer is simple it’s also infinitely rich. And that’s because God himself is infinitely rich. Our relationship with him can go on into eternity because he is eternal. The prayer that we have now is just a taste.
And I hope that as you’ve gotten a taste of prayer these weeks that God has worked in your heart a kind of joy, a love for prayer that wasn’t there before. And I hope that you’ll carry on praying.
Pray with me. Father, you are good and your love endures forever. Thank you for your many blessings—and thank you specifically for your Son, who gave his life so that we might live. And thank you for blessing us with your Spirit, for filling us with your very life. We pray that you would cause our love for prayer to grow in the rich soil of your word. And grant that we would be bold in the name of Jesus to ask even for the kingdom. In his name we pray. Amen.