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CoGro Discussion Questions - Advent 3 (sorry it's late!)

  1. Have you ever heard someone say, "Follow your passion!" or something like it? Have you ever said it? What do you think of it?

  2. Have you ever followed your sense of what would make you happy as a guide to life? How did it turn out?

  3. The sermon talked about the relationship between pursuing happiness and having your self be the center of your life. How does this relate to your understanding of the Christian faith? Can happiness ever be a good guide? How so?

  4. Does God ever want you to do things that make you unhappy? What are some scriptural examples of this? What about personal examples?

  5. Have you ever felt that, because you've done something "good" or were obedient to God about something that made you unhappy or that you didn't want to do that God then owed you something? Why might we feel that way?

  6. Martin Luther described the human condition as one which was "naturally bent back on itself." What is the biblical prescription for a self-centered life? How does looking at Jesus change us in this regard?

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