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Heart Check!

Writer's picture: Paige McCartyPaige McCarty

Over the next six weeks, we are going to look at the players in the “Hall of Faith” chapter of Hebrews (chapter 11). The idea is to use the examples of their faith to build confidence in your own…which builds endurance.

BUT FIRST, we need to do a “Heart Check.” If the purpose of Lent is to sharpen our affection for Christ by meditating on his sacrificial work on our behalf, then we should be able to grow our endurance. Our confidence in Christ should strengthen though this intentional descent into weakness, the way putting stress and opposition on a muscle actually makes it stronger. As we flex the muscles of confession and repentance, by Gd’s grace we will gain the reward of confident endurance in our faith in Him who forgives.

So let’s assess ourselves in the beginning. At youth group this kind of self-reflection is called a “Heart Check.” Take some time to reflect on and answer these questions:

  • What trials are you currently facing?

  • How would you like to grow in your faith?

  • What typically produces spiritual growth in your life?

  • What can you identify as a hindrance to growing in your faith? Break this down into three categories: sin, distraction, or worry.

  • Which of these hindrances can you “lay aside” in this season of fasting?

  • What spiritual discipline or practice will you incorporate in its place?

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