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Lenten Devotional-Day Four

Read: Matthew 4:5-7

Think: Even though the angels would have caught Him, why do you think Jesus didn’t jump? What is significant to you about the fact that the devil is quoting Scripture to Jesus? One of the important things to notice here is that Jesus was able to combat the temptations of Satan’s “scripture-backed” coercions with knowledge of scripture himself. Could you do the the same?

Pray: Help me, Jesus, to meditate on your Word so I can fight the lies of the Enemy. Give me faith to trust you without seeing today.

Apply: Pick a verse from the Bible that you want to memorize and meditate on this week. Try writing it on an index card and placing it on your mirror, or in your car. Having an arsenal of Scripture in your mind will help you to believe truth throughout the day and battle the as Paul says, “the fiery arrows of the Evil One (Ephesians 6).”

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