Read: Matthew 13:44-46
Think: Why did Jesus tell this parable? What does it mean? Do you think that you treasure Jesus as much as the man in this story valued the hidden treasure or the pearl? Have you “sold everything you own” so that you could have Jesus? What from your pre-resurrection life are you still holding onto?
Pray: God, help me to live each day of my life with the belief that you are my most prized treasure. Give me faith that believes you enough to let go of everything else so that I can have you.
Apply: What are your most prized possessions? find a way to use them to give to others. Your clothes? Give some away. Your car? Become an elderly church member’s free Uber. Is it your guitar? Who could you give lessons to for free? Is it your money? Give a chunk of it away to a mission or to the offering so the church can use it for ministry here and around the world.