Read: Matthew 27:32-44
Think: Who were the main people that mocked Jesus on the cross? If Jesus was the Messiah, why don’t you think the religious leaders recognized Him? What is so sad about this moment is that Jesus really was the King of the Jews. He really was in the process of destroying “the Temple” and He really would ”rebuild it” in three days. God really did have the power to take Jesus off the cross. But if He did, then the human race could never be restored to relationship with God. Things looked really dark on that “good” Friday, but Easter was coming…
Pray: Jesus, thank you for enduring humiliation and verbal abuse and remembering me in your mind as you persevered. Thank you that death could not hold you.
Apply: Consider watching The Passion of the Christ to see what Jesus’ crucifixion was actually like. Invite the last of your “five” to Easter Sunday