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Noonday Prayer: Our Nation and Lust

The pornography industry has grown rapidly with the advent of high speed internet. Globally, the pornography industry makes $97 billion dollars, $12 billion of that coming from the US. The average age of exposure is now under 10, and women make up an increasingly high percentage of porn users. More than that, though consent is presumed, many human traffickers funnel people into the porn industry where they become trapped. Despite all of this, a majority of people have either neutral or positive opinions about porn. This is one of the most powerful and destructive principalities and powers in our nation.

PRAYER: Father, our desires are disordered, and we have as a nation chosen cheap imitations of love—and it’s destroying us. Father, please, have mercy on this nation and wake them up to the corrosive power of sexual immorality and particularly the porn industry. Lord, set the men and women who participate in this industry free. Redeem them, O God of Jacob.

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