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In Line...

A test is to see what’s already there. Tests reveal.

I’m in line now to get tested for the Coronavirus. The test will be sent away and I’ll have to wait to find out what’s there.

The testing of our faith is sometimes similar. What kind of faith do I really have? Sometimes the only way to find out is to endure a test. Enduring a short test is hard enough. But waiting, waiting, waiting to find out? Sometimes the duration is the test itself.

I say this because it seems like we’re going to be in this for some time. It’s going to be a rather long journey. A long test. Some of us will show better faith; some worse.

But the good news is that neither one - better or worse - should count on their own faithfulness, their own faith performance. There is only one who was tried and not found wanting, only one whose test results came back wholly clean. And that’s Jesus.

When you think you’re doing poorly and your faith is weak, lean on his faith. When you think you’re doing well, also look to his faith. His faith is your faith.


Father, forgive us our lack of faith, and teach us to endure for the sake of your name. Reveal what is in us so that we might be all the more grateful for what we have in Jesus.


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