Read: Matthew 4:18-22
Think: Could you do it? Could you drop everything—your job, your family, your home—and follow where God called you? And would you do it just so that others could know Him? Would it be enough for you to justify leaving it all to become a “fisher of men”? We like to placate our own guilt here and say, “Well, it was Jesus, Son of God, set apart and touched by the Spirit who called them. They were compelled for that time and place because it was Jesus asking. I mean it’s Peter, for crying out loud!” The problem is that the same argument used to placate should convict you. Because it’s Jesus, Son of God, set apart and touched by the Spirit who calls you. You should be compelled for this time and place, because it is Jesus asking.
Pray: Lord, living my newly resurrected life in you means I am urgently compelled to share your good news. Help me to immediately obey you when you call me to fish for people!
Apply: Invite one person this week to “come and see” who Jesus is by inviting them to church or to your community group meeting. Trust that God will come through for you as you fish for people.