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Lenten Devotional - Day Thirty-Eight

Read: Acts 1:4-11

Think: Why was Jesus so adamant about His followers waiting for the Holy Spirit? Why does He refer to the Holy Spirit as a gift? How have you experienced the Holy Spirit’s power? How does it make you feel that the Holy Spirit lives within you, and gives you the same power that raised Jesus from the dead?

Pray: It is so cool that you are a trinity, God. Thank you that you are my Father, that you showed me what you look like in flesh in blood as Jesus, and that your presence is always with me in your Holy Spirit. Thank you for the gift of your presence. Help me to tap into your resurrection power to show others who you are.

Apply: Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to nudge you today. It may sound weird, but just try it. Listen to see what God might be speaking to you through other people and His Word. If you feel him prompting you to do something—do it!

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