Read: Psalm 109
Think: David is using some raw honesty in this Psalm. He is describing people who are unrighteous, wicked, and cold. But the truth is, “no one is righteous not even one” (Romans 3:10). Jesus came into the world to die for you on your worst day, not on your best day (Romans 5:8). Who have you been wishing the worst for? Who is the person that you think would never come to faith in Jesus?
Pray: God, thank you that you died for me on my worst day. Thank you for forgetting all my sin and having mercy on me even though I am undeserving. Help me to show your unmerited love to the people I don’t get along with, or judge.
Apply: Pick a person that you have a hard time not judging. Pray for them every day this week and remember Jesus’ love for them and for you.