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Morning Prayer

Writer's picture: Paige McCartyPaige McCarty

Scripture: And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction. (Matthew 10:1)

Jesus could have easily done all of this work with just a word. But he equips and sends his disciples to do the work of the kingdom, to meaningfully participate in the salvation project. But, even though he sends them out before they fully understand what they’re doing (this was long before the resurrection, even, let alone the sending of the Spirit), he does equip them by his authority. Similarly, we who are called of God are equipped with his authority to be witnesses to the good news of Jesus. Because we have God’s Spirit in us and because we have faith in his word, we can be confident that God is at work—even through our feeble efforts.

Prayer: Father, I often don’t feel confident to share the word of Christ with my neighbor, and even when I have shared it, I’ve often wondered if I had done a good enough job. Help me to take courage today, knowing that it is not how good my efforts are that makes the gospel stick, but instead that it is your Spirit at work in me and at work in the hearts of those who hear and receive. Amen.

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