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Lenten Devotional - Day Thirteen

Read: Matthew 7:21-29

Think: Sometimes the good habits we have put our spiritual life on autopilot. While spiritual discipline is important in our pursuit of Christ; when we are simply “going through the motions” without being intentional we miss the point entirely. It can hinder our relationship with Christ from growing deeper and changing us from the inside out. How does it make you feel to read vs. 22? How have you lived a double life: saying you are a Christian or going to church, but not actually having a relationship with Jesus? What type of foundation are you building in your life?

Pray: God, help me to build my life on you—the rock. I know when I center my life on you I won’t be shaken, no matter what comes.

Apply: How are the people you spend most of your time with affecting your walk with Jesus? How might you build a foundation of “rock friendships” that would point you towards Jesus and not away?

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