Day 26:
Read: Matthew 26:17-30
Think: Bread and wine were common elements of a normal Jewish meal. Jesus was always using everyday examples to talk about the Good News. What if for you, every time you chewed gum, drank a soda, or ate a sandwich—it was a reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice, the way bread and wine were at the Last Supper?
Pray: Jesus, help me to see your sacrifice in the little elements of my life today. Let it prompt my heart to sing a thankfulness hymn to you, the way it did the disciples.
Apply: Pick something you do or eat everyday as a cue to remind you of Jesus’ death for you. Do whatever you need to do to remember it—an alarm on your phone, and index card in your car, or a note on the refrigerator. Invite one of your five from Day 21 to church.